News — seafood
Steamed Scallops with vermicelli in shell with garlic
Scallops on the half shell are hard to find, as far as I know. I have been searching high and low for them for quite some time now. Thank you for our great supplier Arctic Star Seafood.
We offer you really high quality half shell Scallop in this season. However, with a price you can not believe, only $18.95 with whole full pound. It worth more than $40!
This is a Chinese-style steamed scallops recipe with vermicelli, garlic and spring onions. Only in restaurant PM, whole pound of Scallops on half shell SOLD $18.95. Can you believe?
蒜蓉粉丝蒸扇贝 大特价 整磅18.95 (外带19.95)
Steamed Scallops with vermicelli...